CBD Nanotechnology and NanoCBD

CBD Nanotechnology and NanoCBD

With all of the emerging new developments in the CBD industry, it’s difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest. Even if you consider yourself familiar with CBD and it’s extraction methods/process, you might still be thrown for a loop when you hear the latest CBD terms: CBD Nanotechnology and NanoCBD.

There are many ways of extracting CBD from hemp. The “right” one all depends on what you value and prioritize about the process and its resulting product. So, what’s the deal with CBD Nanotechnology and NanoCBD? In simple terms, it is the scientific process used to create more easily absorbed particles of CBD. Sounds easy enough, right? Actually, it is a highly scientific process, that occurs at the molecular level. After extracting the CBD from the hemp plants, scientists create nanoparticles that are a great deal smaller than the ones that were originally extracted.  To give you an idea of just how small the nanoparticles are, 1 inch = 25,400,000 nanometers. In size comparison it would be the size of the earth down to the size of a childs marble. The CBD particles are so small, they can pass through the bloodstream easier; this creates products with better bioavailability. Bioavailability refers to the amount of CBD actually absorbed by your body, as opposed to extracted as waste. 

You see, the human body is 70% water, while the extracted cannabinoids are oil-based. As we all know, water and oil don’t mix easily, therefore it is difficult for a body to fully absorb all of the oil-based product. The body ends up getting short-changed,  because not absorbing all of the product means that it’s not gaining the full benefit of the product. With nanocbd, the cannabinoids act differently with water molecules. The body is able to absorb more of the cannabonoids, and at a faster rate than traditional extraction methods allowed. Getting the product into the bloodstream, using naotechnology means that you get more of the healing benefits of the product, and you feel the effects much quicker than you would otherwise. 

There are not a lot of manufacturers that are currently using this technology, but I’m sure there will be more very soon. You can find many products on our site that are produced using this amazing technology. NanCBD is more than worth checking out, 

Up next… I get into the subject of Homeopathy and Homeopathic remedies…


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